miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010


El otro día escribí estos pequeños párrafos, se los dejo a ver si les gustan...

White sheet, white space…the most beautiful and challenging sensation. The best way to express your mind; but you don’t even know how to start, because you want to keep it as pure as it is, because it’s whiteness is already a source of inspiration.

Suddenly, with no warning you start writing, drawing and sketching on it. Somehow, that space turns into a map of ideas. It’s only in that moment, the moment of THE IDEA, when you start creating on that space, a new universe with no limits.

When you know you are creating, making something new, opening your mind to new barriers; you are feeling one of the most greatest sensations a human been can ever sense. You’re trying to do something better.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


No sé porqué, pero el buscador del blog no muestra los trabajos que están vinculados a mi book. Así que, por si a alguien le interesa, los indicaré nuevamente en esta entrada.

Miller Draft Genuine.
Nike Body By Dance.
Beon It.
FOX 4400.
Loreal Kids.
Miller Draft Genuine.
Nike Ronaldhino.

Todos están dentro del blog explicados.

También pueden descargarse mi book completo de esta dirección.
